Thursday 28 February 2013

everyone living teenager on this freaking earth wants to become a teen pop singer sensation...jeez man that's not the only occupation unless u want to sit home and clean the toilet....
hey guys...ok here's the sitch...had an argument with a close friend of mine wether samsung or apple is better..wether the samsung galaxy S3 is better or the iphone 5???

well i am very much on iphone's side but i have to admit samsung has a better camera capture but thats it!!!!
so which one's better?? iphone or samsung???

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Blog #1

Hey guys!!! I just opened a new blog to start it of as a I.T school project and actually am quite getting the hang of it.......its called Dumbo's Alert...well i know all of u must be wondering why name a blog Dumbo's Alert?????? well we all have start of i'm just gonna post cool,funny,unpredictable,interesting and weird posts with pics so keep a look get started with here's a hilarious video that made me laugh....